Luxury Velvet Sofas
Luxury velvet sofas are easy to sink into, they come in seven colours with an elegant texture and a unique sheen. A velvet sofa of any kind is the perfect way to make an impact in your room.
Soft velvet sofas that stand the test of time
Our velvet sofas have a beautiful depth of colour, are very soft to touch and are extremely hard-wearing. The velvet exceeds requirements for both domestic and commercial upholstery which means they will last the test of time and are child and pet friendly.
Order your free swatchesModern Velvet Sofas, delivered in 24 hours
Our collection of velvet sofas are delivered in 24 hours. If you order any of our modern velvet sofas today, they can be delivered the very next day. They will arrive in easy-to-handle boxes, guaranteed to fit no matter how tight the entryway.
Velvet sofas for any room
We have a range of both large and small velvet sofas but no matter the size, all of our velvet sofas are guaranteed to fit into any space. As all of our sofas are delivered in boxes, they can be transported upstairs and through the smallest hallways with ease. All of our boxes can be lifted by one or two persons, making it very easy to put a sofa in a loft or difficult to reach rooms.